And he shall think to change times and laws.
Who controls the calendar?
Daniel 7:25 ~ ISR
And it speaks words against the Most High, and it wears out the set-apart ones of the Most High, and it intends to change appointed times and law, and they are given into its hand for a time and times and half a time.
The Roman Catholic Church accomplished exactly that.
Do you think they would stop there without damaging other important components of our Creator?
Of course, they did not stop there.
This site explores the implementing of Rome's Jesus Horus Christ
There are a number of key reasons why the Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1582. Due to leap years being off, the Julian calendar has steadily drifted away from astronomical dates like the vernal equinox and the winter solstice over the decades since its establishment in 45 BCE.
The basic fact is that the Roman Catholic Church felt they would be the custodians of time, shifting the world away from the calendar our Creator established at creation.
This was never the intention of the One who set His divine calendar at the beginning of time.
Various civilizations have made several calendar adjustments over the millennia. Each of which had a limited impact on only those civilizations or populations inside the local tribes or communities. Only the Roman Catholic Church has changed our creator's calendar, which has governed everything on earth and under which the entire world wanders.
Let's look at just a few of the changes over the centuries.
1752 Calendar Change
Americans are accustomed to a calendar with a "year" based on a solar year, with "months" having no reference to lunar cycles and New Years Day falling on January 1. However, this was not the intent at creation.
If it is your desire to understand the ways of our Creator and His calendar, please explore this site further.
The Julian Calendar
Julius Caesar ordered a calendar of twelve months based on a solar year in 45 B.C. This calendar used a three-year cycle of 365 days, followed by a year of 366 days (leap year). When first introduced, the "Julian Calendar" also shifted the start of the year from March 1 to January 1.
Although that was far from the origins of calendar manipulating. The calendar was a tool of power and emperors shed blood to gain days in their beloved months.
In 45 B.C., Julius Caesar ordered a calendar consisting of twelve months based on a solar year. This calendar employed a cycle of three years of 365 days, followed by a year of 366 days (leap year). When first implemented, the "Julian Calendar" also moved the beginning of the year from March 1 to January 1. However, following the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century, the new year was gradually realigned to coincide with Christian festivals until by the seventh century, Christmas Day marked the beginning of the new year in many countries.
By the ninth century, parts of southern Europe began observing first day of the new year on March 25 to coincide with Annunciation Day (the church holiday nine months prior to Christmas celebrating the Angel Gabriel's revelation to the Virgin Mary that she was to be the mother of the Messiah). The last day of the year was March 24. However, England did not adopt this change in the beginning of the new year until late in the twelfth century.
Because the year began in March, records referring to the "first month" pertain to March; to the second month pertain to April, etc., so that "the 19th of the 12th month" would be February 19. In fact, in Latin, September means seventh month, October means eighth month, November means ninth month, and December means tenth month. Use of numbers, rather than names, of months was especially prevalent in Quaker records.
Double Dating
Between 1582 and 1752, not only were two calendars in use in Europe (and in European colonies), but two different starts of the year were in use in England. Although the "Legal" year began on March 25, the use of the Gregorian calendar by other European countries led to January 1 becoming commonly celebrated as "New Year's Day" and given as the first day of the year in almanacs.
To avoid misinterpretation, both the "Old Style" and "New Style" year was often used in English and colonial records for dates falling between the new New Year (January 1) and old New Year (March 25), a system known as "double dating." Such dates are usually identified by a slash mark [/] breaking the "Old Style" and "New Style" year, for example, March 19, 1631/2. Occasionally, writers would express the double date with a hyphen, for example, March 19, 1631-32. In general, double dating was more common in civil than church and ecclesiastical records.
Changes of 1752
In accordance with a 1750 act of Parliament, England and its colonies changed calendars in 1752. By that time, the discrepancy between a solar year and the Julian Calendar had grown by an additional day, so that the calendar used in England and its colonies was 11 days out-of-sync with the Gregorian Calendar in use in most other parts of Europe.
England's calendar change included three major components. The Julian Calendar was replaced by the Gregorian Calendar, changing the formula for calculating leap years. The beginning of the legal new year was moved from March 25 to January 1. Finally, 11 days were dropped from the month of September 1752.
Although current historical scholarship calls for retention of Old Style dates in transcriptions, historians and genealogists need to be aware that some people living at the time converted the date of an event, such as a birthday, from Old Style to New Style. George Washington, for example, was born on February 11, 1731 under the Julian Calendar, but afterwards recognized the date February 22, 1732 to reflect the Gregorian Calendar.
The changeover involved a series of steps:
December 31, 1750 was followed by January 1, 1750 (under the "Old Style" calendar, December was the 10th month and January the 11th)
March 24, 1750 was followed by March 25, 1751 (March 25 was the first day of the "Old Style" year)
December 31, 1751 was followed by January 1, 1752 (the switch from March 25 to January 1 as the first day of the year)
September 2, 1752 was followed by September 14, 1752 (drop of 11 days to conform to the Gregorian calendar)
The Gregorian Calendar
During the Middle Ages, it began to become apparent that the Julian leap year formula had overcompensated for the actual length of a solar year, having added an extra day every 128 years. However, no adjustments were made to compensate. By 1582, seasonal equinoxes were falling 10 days "too early," and some church holidays, such as Easter, did not always fall in the proper seasons. In that year, Pope Gregory XIII authorized, and most Roman Catholic countries adopted, the "Gregorian" or "New Style" Calendar." As part of the change, ten days were dropped from the month of October, and the formula for determining leap years was revised so that only years divisible by 400 (e.g., 1600, 2000) at the end of a century would be leap years. January 1 was established as the first day of the new year. Protestant countries, including England and its colonies, not recognizing the authority of the Pope, continued to use the Julian Calendar.
This site spotlights two topics.
Click here to understand our Creators lunar-solar calendar.
Torah verses stating there is no salvation in JC